Sports massage therapy involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body to promote recovery, reduce inflammation, limit the risk of future injury or to help restore normal tissue function following an injury.
It promotes soft tissue balance so that they can function optimally and can also be used very effectively alongside exercise. The body’s soft tissues can become dysfunctional for a variety of reasons, including strenuous exercises, injury, trauma, and/or overly repetitive movements. Sports massage therapy encompasses a variety of techniques to release and soften stiff and knotted muscles, so that the body can start the natural process of healing.
There are many other benefits of sports massage therapy which include increased flexibility, aiding recovery, reducing pain, increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to soft tissue, helping to eliminate the by-products of exercise and generally increasing a feeling of relaxation and renewed focus.
Enjoy the benefits of a Sports Massage in the comfort and convenience of your own home. I cover the Reading area, including Tilehurst, Pangbourne, Burghfield, Mortimer and Shinfield. Please get in touch with me today to book a daytime or evening appointment...